Update Website and Logo

How to Update your ENO’s Website link and Logo for them to appear online

Written by Community Contributer Cardano SHAMROCK

Update Website And Description

  1. On your Validator Node run

    ayad tx staking edit-validator --website "https://www.example.com"  --details "ENO Description" --from ACCOUNT --home /opt/aya

    Note: Ensure to replace ACCOUNT with your own ENO’s Account name, replace https://www.example.com with your own site address, replace ENO Description with your own preferred details.

Update Logo

  1. Create Account on Keybase: https://keybase.io

  2. Add logo to Keybase

  3. Copy Key from Keybase dashboard

  4. On your Validator Node run

    ayad tx staking edit-validator --identity=KEYBASEKEY --from ACCOUNT --home /opt/aya

    Note: Ensure to replace ACCOUNT with your own ENO’s Account name, replace KEYBASEKEY with the key you obtained while signing up for Keybase