Firewall Settings

How to configure your firewall in a validator-sentry configuration

These instructions assume a Validator-Sentry architecture.

Sentry Node

Apply these firewall settings on your sentry node

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <IP> to any port 22
sudo ufw allow from any to any port 26656 proto tcp

Since the sentry node has pex enabled, connections from any machine to the p2p port (26656) needs to be allowed, so that other nodes can talk to the sentry for p2p communication of consensus messages.

The firewall settings above only allows ssh login from the given machine with IP-address IP, which should be the client machine you want to login from. This is good practice and limits the attack vector on your server.

Note that with a proper VPN solution, such as tailscale, this specific firewall rule can also be omitted, giving you the highest level of security. Tailscale can handle SSH login through its ACL access rules.

When done

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw reload
sudo systemctl restart ssh
sudo ufw status

Validator Node

Apply these firewall settings on your validator node

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <IP> to any port 22

The validator firewall will be configured to make only outgoing p2p connections to the sentry nodes. Only allowing outgoing p2p connections to the sentry nodes further limits the attack vector on your validator node, since we don’t have to open the p2p port. See the manual setup guide on how to configure the sentry/validator correctly for this.

The firewall settings above only allows ssh login from the given machine with the give IP-address IP, which should be the client machine you want to login from.This is good practice and limits the attack vector on your server.

Note that with a proper VPN solution, such as tailscale, this specific firewall rule can also be omitted, giving you the highest level of security. Tailscale can handle SSH login through its ACL access rules.

If you have prometheus=true metrics logging enabled in the config.toml, you should allow the prometheus listen port as well.

sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <IP> to any port 26600

where IP is the address of your prometheus server.

When done

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw reload
sudo systemctl restart ssh
sudo ufw status


Additional services can be opened such as grafana as follows. I don’t recommend to run your grafana server on the same machine as your validator. This should be discouraged. Grafana typically uses port 3000.

sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <IP> to any port 3000

When done

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw reload
sudo systemctl restart ssh
sudo ufw status


If you want to use Prometheus metrics, you should consult with the metrics exporter tool which port it uses for exporting metrics. Prometheus specific setup recommendations and installation instructions will be released shortly, when the nodebase releases its nodebase monitoring service.

Last modified November 5, 2023: tailscale update (d2a2014)