1 - Overview


Written by Nodebase Team member EarthNodeChile (Nico Verboven)

In the documentation section, you will find resources to setup and configure your Earthnode successfully. Detailed technical guides and step-by-step tuturial will be available to help those with less technical knowledge.

NodeBaseDevs is providing more than just technical knowledge.

The team is working on custom developed tools to assist Earthnode operators in installation, configuration, monitoring and alerting.

Where should I go next?

2 - Getting Started

Get started running your nodes!

The Getting Started will guide you through thte site material


You must be a WorldMobile Earthnode operator with access to the private or public tesnet. If you don’t have access yet, contact a moderator in the WorldMobile telegram groups to request the access form.


You will need to have access to a linux server for installation of the WM Earthnode validator. Hardware requirements is minimal 2 cores, 4GB RAM without grafana and 8GB RAM with grafana and 40GB DISK space-


The earthnode installation package provided on testnet gives you everything you need to install a validator node. At the NodeBaseDevs site you will find addtional setup instructions for installing relay nodes and complete configuration guidelines.

2.1 - Sentry Node Installation

Installation Guide with script


Installing a sentry node requires a different installation procedure than a validor node.

The install_node.sh script provided by the WM team only covers validator nodes, and does not apply for sentry nodes. With some small adjustments this script can be adjusted to be used to install sentry nodes

Sentry nodes dont have operator keys, since they are not part of the consensus voting.


The NodeBaseDevs team created an install_sentry.sh installation script.

This script is part of the bundled nodebase tools package release package that can be found in the github releases


  • Download the nodebase tools zipfile

    wget https://github.com/nodebasewm/download/archive/refs/tags/nodebasetools.zip

  • unzip this file, it will create the folder download-nodebasetools/.

  • copy the install_sentry.sh to your earthnode_installation folder

  • The other scripts in the zip you can put wherever you want. Recommendation is to put them in /usr/local/bin

  • make sure executable permissions are set on the scripts

    chmod +x install_sentry.sh

  • run the script with a moniker name for your sentry from within the earthnode installation folder

    ./install_sentry.sh -m MONIKER_NAME

  • Unlike a validator node, no registration is needed for sentry nodes.

  • wait for the node to be synced to full height from the snapshot point. The installation script will terminate automatically when the node is synced to latest block height


Please continue with following the Sentry-Validator configuration instructions in Configuration to configure your nodes accordingly after installation completes.

Step-by-Step Manual Installation

Alternatively, you can follow our step-by-step sentry node installation guide for manual installation. You can find this in our Tutorial Section

3 - Tools

NodeBaseDevs Tools

The NodeBaseDevs team is continuously adding scripting and tooling to its github release page

You can download the entire tool package as follows.

wget https://github.com/nodebasewm/download/archive/refs/tags/nodebasetools.zip

The package currently contains:

  • install_sentry.sh installation script
  • addresses.sh : shows all your node address, useful for setup
  • validators.sh: show all bonded validators by moniker/address and status
  • ayafix.sh: post installation fix to setup cosmovisor.service and fix links

3.1 - Ayaview

Ayaview Console

Developed by Nodebase Team member EarthNodeChile (Nico Verboven)


Ayaview is a local monitoring tool for your validator node.It can be used besides a setup based on Grafana-Prometheus for light-weight direct monitoring.

It has a very intuitive console view, written entirely in Golang for performance. Ayaview monitors your validator status and blocks produced on chain, as also system metrics and peer information.

It can be run entirely standalone, started/stopped as many times you want without affecting your node.


Ayaview provides node status display of your node. Uptime / peers / blocks proposed and system metrics.



The validator view display active validators and their current status. The information displayed is

  1. Moniker and address
  2. MissedBlocks : How many blocks missed in slashing window
  3. CCF : Checks if validator is on the Cardano ChainFollower list
  4. Tokens: How many delegated tokens
  5. Power: Voting power
  6. State: Signing state
  7. Commission: Commission rate set on this validator


Additionally, the view supports filtering and sorting.


Sorting Validator View

Press the key ’s’ to sort on different columns and order. By repeating pressing the ’s’ key you will be able to cycle through different sort options, display in the upper right corner

Filter Validator View

Wildcard filtering is also added. The filter implements glob based style filtering (similar to file path filters on command line)

By pressing the key ‘f’ you enter the filter node, and you can start typing your filter, display in the upper right corner, The section will be highhlighted in yellow. And the filter is applied while typing in real-time updates. Because the filter captures the input, you need to press the ESC button to end filter setup, so you can go back and change the tab display

  • Important: Only use the filtering patterns ‘*’ and ‘?’. The filter currently doesnt support [abc] and [a-z] style filters

Peers Display

A powerful feature of ayaview is to show peer connections by pressing the key ‘p’. This will show you all peer connections with their latency and location. Also a live view of the P2P connection details are shown when selecting a peer, like transaction speed/s.


Installation Instructions

Download ayaview from nodebasewm github and unzip as follows

wget -O ayaview.zip https://github.com/nodebasewm/download/blob/main/ayaview.zip?raw=true
unzip ayaview.zip

After configurating ayaview using the configuration instructions, you can start ayaview in any open terminal window.


A configuration file is provided, which must be used in the following conditions:

  • You run ayaview on a sentry but want to see node status of your validator. (blocks signed/proposed )
  • You changed the default ports of grpc (29090) or rpc (25567) or api (1317)
  • You want the change the default update interval for system metrics
  • You want to have a default filter applied to validators

Use ayaview with config file :

./ayaview --config config.toml

If you run ayaview on your validator, it will automatically discover your validator node and connect to it.


The configuration of ayaview is done through a config.toml configuration file. A default config file is delivered part of the installation.

Ayaview on Sentry Node

If your run ayaview on a sentry node, you will only see chain activity such as blocks and chain events. If you want to see the validator node status information this sentry is pointing to, you will have to pass a config.toml file to ayaview. Ayaview will clearly display on the Home tab if your node is a validator or a sentry node.

You can use the config.toml delivered as part of ayaview.zip. Edit the value of validator in the config.toml with the address of your validator node.

This address is the ayavalop BECH32 notation of your validator node. It must start with the ayavalop prefix, any other BECH32 notation will NOT work.

To retrieve your validators operator address, take a look at the Q&A in Testnet



Ayaview on Validator Node

When running ayaview on a validator node, it will now detect that your node is a validator, and configure itself automatically without the need of a config file.

So no configuration file is needed, unless off course you intent to observe a different node, or changed ports.


If you changed the default port of your node’s GRPC (29090) or RPC endpoint (26657), you will have to also change the grpc-address or rpc-address in the config file and pass the config file to ayaview.

The API part (default 1317) is needed to query WorldMobile specific APIs, such as the chainfollower information. YOu will have to enable this API in the ayad configuration app.toml under [api] section.

System update Interval

Optionally, you can control the interval to update system metrics and node status. Block and consensus updates are updated real-time.


# Bech prefixes for network.
bech-prefix = "aya"

#validator to watch

# If a network has specific bech prefixes for validator and for consensus node
# and their pubkeys, it's possible to specify them separately.
bech-validator-prefix = ""
bech-validator-pubkey-prefix = ""
bech-consensus-node-prefix = ""
bech-consensus-node-pubkey-prefix = ""

# system update interval, in seconds. Defaults to 3
interval = 3

# default filter for validators display Default is no-filtering
filter = ""

# Endpoint config.
name = "endpoint-2"
url = "localhost"
# gRPC node address to get signing info and validators info from, defaults to 29090
grpc_port = "29090"
# Tendermint RPC port  to get block info from. Defaults to 26657.
rpc_port = "26657"
# API config port for REST API, to enable edit app.toml of ayad 
# and go to [api] section and change enable to true
rest_port = "1317"

# Logging config.
# Log level. Defaults to 'info', you can set it to 'debug' or even 'trace'
# to make it more verbose.
level = "disabled"
# Log all output in JSON except for fatal errors, useful if you are using
# logging aggregation solutions such as ELK stack.
json = false

4 - Configuration

How to configure your Earthnode validator?

Written by Nodebase Team member EarthNodeChile (Nico Verboven)

4.1 - Node Architecture Design

An architectural overview on how to configure your validator and sentry nodes

Validator Node Architecture Design

Tendermint relies on the set of validators to secure the network. The role of the validators is to run a full-node and participate in consensus by broadcasting votes which contain cryptographic signatures signed by their private key. Validators are connected to each other through the p2p connections.

Validators are responsible for ensuring the that the network can sustain denial of service attacks.

Common Attacks

  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

    In the WM Chain, a validator node has a fixed IP address and RESRfule API port connected to the internet, which makes it vulnereable. DDoS attacks will halt the vote messages between validators and prevent blocks from being committed. If more than 1/3 of the network suffer from a DDoS attack it can halt the chain.

  • Compromise of keys

    The most valuable asset of a validator are the keys it uses to sign blocks. An attacker who has control of the validator can get anything they want signed by the keys.

Single Node Validator Setup

This approach is deemed unsafe, though you could set firewall white listings to establish links to only trustful peers. If an IP address is discovered it becomes vulnerable, and it is problematic to change.

  • Pro: easy to implement
  • Con: not a flexible setup

=> This approach should be avoided, since it will still make your validator vulnerable.


Single Layer Sentry Node Setup

In this setup, the validator node hides behind its two-layer sentry nodes. Only sentry nodes use public internet. The validator nodes do not need a public IP address, so discovery of IP addresses to target with DDos is much harder. Multiple Sentry Nodes can be connected to a a single validator to further mitigate the risk of DDoS Attacks.

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

If you use a cloud solution, you can setup a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to host your relay and validator nodes. VPC networks provide a more secure connection between resources because the inaccessible from the public internet and other VPC networks. Traffic within a VP network doesn’t count against bandwidth usage.

In this setup, the relay talks to the validator >node through a secure private connection. The >relay node will then also connect through an >external_address with the p2p validator >network.


  • Pro: Efficient to mitigate DDos attacks
  • Con: Attacker can only attack the validator node, if they gain access to the private network.

Public Cloud

In this setup, the relay and validator node are both connected to the internet. But the validator node is hidden behind the relay node. The relay node will prevent gossipping the IP-address of the validator node.

This is less secure than using a VPC network, >since the validator node, although unknown to the >rest of the peers, is still connected to the >public internet and could be discovered.

4.2 - Validator Sentry config.toml

How to setup your validator and sentry nodes

Local Configuration Validator-Sentry Setup

The validator will only talk to the Sentry nodes that are provided. While sentry nodes have the ability to talk to the validator node on the private channel and talk to public nodes elsewhere on the internet. When initializing nodes there are six parameters in the config.toml which are important

  • pex: boolean value. It tursn the peer exchange reactor (gossip protocol) on or off in a node. When pex=false, only the list of nodes in the persistent_peers list are available for connection.
  • persistent_peers: commma separated list of nodeid@ip:port values that define a list of peers that expected to be online at all times and the node is expected to be able to connect to them. If some nodes are not available, they will be skipped and later retried for a while, before completely dropping them. If no nodes are available from the list and pex=false, then the node will not be able to join the network.
  • private_peer_ids: comma-separated list of nodeid values, that should not be gossiped at all times. This setting tells which nodes should not be handed out to others
  • add_book_strict: Turn this off if some of the nodes are on a LAN IP. If off, non routable IP address, like addressed on a private network can be added to the address book.
  • unconditional_peer_ids: comma seperated list of nodeIDs. These nodes will be connected no matter the limit of inbound and outbound peers. This is useful when address_books of sentry nodes are full.
  • seed_mode. This is used to jump start other nodes by providing a list of peers that the node can connect to.


Important: Nodes in persistent_peers have the format nodeID@ip:port.

  • nodeID. The ID of your validator. This can be retrieved with the command

    ayad tendermint show-node-id --home /opt/aya

    or use the nodebase showkeys script ./showkeys.sh

  • ip The IP-address of your relay node

  • port: The p2p port your relay node is listening on. By default it is 26656

For the private_peer_ids and unconditional_peer_ids, only put the nodeID (without the @ip:port)

Validator Node Configuration

Config OptionSetting
persistent_peerslist of sentry nodes
unconditional_peer_idsoptionally sentry node IDs

The validator node should have pex=false so it does not gossip to the entire network. The persistent_peers will be your sentry nodes. private_peer_ids can be left empty, as the validator is not trying to hide who it is communicating with. Setting unconditional_peer_ids is optional for a validator since they will not have a full address book. Since the validator is on a private network and it will connect to the sentry nodes also on a private network, addr_book_strict=false has to be set.

Sentry Node Configuration

Config OptionSetting
persistent_peersvalidator node, optionally other sentry nodes
private_peer_idsvalidator node ID
unconditional_peer_idsvalidator node ID, optionally other sentry node IDs
external_addressset this to “x.x.x.x:26656”, where x.x.x.x is the sentry’s node public IP-Address

The sentry nodes should be able to talk to the entire network hence why pex=true. The persistent_peers of a sentry node will be the validator, and optionally other sentry nodes. The sentry nodes should make sure they do not gossip the validator’s ip, ’ to do this you must put the validator nodeID as a private_peer_ids. The unconditional peer IDs will be the validator node ID and optionally other sentry node IDs. Since the sentry nodea must be able to connect to other p2p peers, addr_book_strict must be set to true, otherwise no inbound connections are made. The external_address needs to be set to your sentry’s node public IP-address of the form “x.x.x.x:26656”. This is the connection address and port that will be gossipped to other nodes for connecting back to your sentry.

IMPORTANT Do not forget to secure your node’s firewalls when setting them up.

About Gossipping

Nodes will gossip their known peers that are not marked as a private node to other nodes on the p2p network.
will be gossipped.

If you plan to install sentry nodes, the recommendation is to setup the sentry first, then after that install the validator node and directly connect it to the relay. If your validator node was already installed, it’s already gossipped to other peers. And you want to prevent that. You can fix this by blocking the p2p ports to non-relays with a firewall, and the peers will eventually remove your validator. But ideally, the installation of a validator should be done with relay setup in mind to make it a complete private installation. This requires some handshaking.

4.3 - Used Ports

What ports does aya use?

By default the follow ports are used by aya

  • 26656
    • pnp networking port to connect to the consensus network
    • On a validator this port needs to be exposed to sentry nodes
    • On a sentry node this port needs to be exposed to the open internet
    • This is the port validators and sentries use to communicate to each other
  • 26657
    • Consensus RPC port.
    • Some tools, example querying tools, use this port to query blockchain status.
    • You should not directly expose this port.
    • This should be shielded from the open internet.
  • 26658
    • Out of process ABCI app
    • This should be shielded from the open internet
  • 29090
    • the gRPC server port. This is used for gRPC server communication with
    • Cosmos SDK application layer. With this you can query banking, staking and - delegation information from Cosmos SDK.
    • Example, some monitoring services might use this communication mechanism since its much faster than RESTful.
    • This should be shielded from the open internet

Some optional ports that might be used by aya are as follows

  • 26600
    • Prometheus stats server
    • System stats about the ayad process
    • Needs to be enabled in the config file
    • This should be shielded from the open internet, unless you want monitor your validator consensus metrics
  • 1317
    • The REST server
    • for automated management of anything you can do with the CLI
    • This should be shielded from the open internet.

More here on endpoints

Note: Monitoring tools that are installed use additional port, ex Grafana uses port 3000

IMPORTANT: For ports 1317 and 26657, you way want to use them as a RESTful endpoint by proxy-ing them to an external interface via an http proxy like Nginx or Coddy. The idea is to treat them like a web service for RESTful requests to the RPC ports done over https. You may configure rate limiting on the http proxy or make request with user authentication using a web app. This way you are not exposing the ports directly and your node is protected from receiving too many request suddenly.

4.4 - Update Website and Logo

How to Update your ENO’s Website link and Logo for them to appear online

Written by Community Contributer Cardano SHAMROCK

Update Website And Description

  1. On your Validator Node run

    ayad tx staking edit-validator --website "https://www.example.com"  --details "ENO Description" --from ACCOUNT --home /opt/aya

    Note: Ensure to replace ACCOUNT with your own ENO’s Account name, replace https://www.example.com with your own site address, replace ENO Description with your own preferred details.

Update Logo

  1. Create Account on Keybase: https://keybase.io

  2. Add logo to Keybase

  3. Copy Key from Keybase dashboard

  4. On your Validator Node run

    ayad tx staking edit-validator --identity=KEYBASEKEY --from ACCOUNT --home /opt/aya

    Note: Ensure to replace ACCOUNT with your own ENO’s Account name, replace KEYBASEKEY with the key you obtained while signing up for Keybase

4.5 - Firewall Settings

How to configure your firewall in a validator-sentry configuration

These instructions assume a Validator-Sentry architecture.

Sentry Node

Apply these firewall settings on your sentry node

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <IP> to any port 22
sudo ufw allow from any to any port 26656 proto tcp

Since the sentry node has pex enabled, connections from any machine to the p2p port (26656) needs to be allowed, so that other nodes can talk to the sentry for p2p communication of consensus messages.

The firewall settings above only allows ssh login from the given machine with IP-address IP, which should be the client machine you want to login from. This is good practice and limits the attack vector on your server.

Note that with a proper VPN solution, such as tailscale, this specific firewall rule can also be omitted, giving you the highest level of security. Tailscale can handle SSH login through its ACL access rules.

When done

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw reload
sudo systemctl restart ssh
sudo ufw status

Validator Node

Apply these firewall settings on your validator node

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <IP> to any port 22

The validator firewall will be configured to make only outgoing p2p connections to the sentry nodes. Only allowing outgoing p2p connections to the sentry nodes further limits the attack vector on your validator node, since we don’t have to open the p2p port. See the manual setup guide on how to configure the sentry/validator correctly for this.

The firewall settings above only allows ssh login from the given machine with the give IP-address IP, which should be the client machine you want to login from.This is good practice and limits the attack vector on your server.

Note that with a proper VPN solution, such as tailscale, this specific firewall rule can also be omitted, giving you the highest level of security. Tailscale can handle SSH login through its ACL access rules.

If you have prometheus=true metrics logging enabled in the config.toml, you should allow the prometheus listen port as well.

sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <IP> to any port 26600

where IP is the address of your prometheus server.

When done

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw reload
sudo systemctl restart ssh
sudo ufw status


Additional services can be opened such as grafana as follows. I don’t recommend to run your grafana server on the same machine as your validator. This should be discouraged. Grafana typically uses port 3000.

sudo ufw allow proto tcp from <IP> to any port 3000

When done

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw reload
sudo systemctl restart ssh
sudo ufw status


If you want to use Prometheus metrics, you should consult with the metrics exporter tool which port it uses for exporting metrics. Prometheus specific setup recommendations and installation instructions will be released shortly, when the nodebase releases its nodebase monitoring service.

5 - Testnet

Q&A all things related to Testnet

5.1 - Jailing

What is jailing and how can I unjail?

TL;DR: If a validator looses sync with the blockchain, they are punished (slashed) and delegator rewards are reduced. This is an incentive for the validator to monitor and maintaining their nodes on good infrastructure.

What is Jailing?

Validators are the active actors that ensure the integrity and security of the network. Their tasks consist — in a nutshell — of validating the transactions, voting on the next state of the blockchain and committing it when a consensus is reached.

To maintain a high level of security and performance on the network, a validator is supposed to keep signing and committing blocks permanently. However, a validator can fail to commit blocks due to multiple reasons, such as a connection loss or a server failure. To protect the network, and prevent any performance drop, an inactive validator needs to be eliminated from the validator list. In Cosmos based chains this process of temporarily eliminating a validator is called “Jailing”.

When am I Jailed?

A validator is jailed when they make liveness or Byzantine fault, when a validator is jailed, it will no longer be considered as an active validator until they are un-jailed. Furthermore, it cannot be un-jailed before downtime_jail_duration. This downtime_jail_duration is a network parameter which can be configured during genesis.

Important: When a validator is jailed because of a byzantine fault, their validator public key is added to a list of permanently banned validators and cannot re-join the network as a validator with the same public key, see staking tombstone

Network Parameters

The consensus params define the conditions for Jailing.

  • signed_blocks_window: Number of blocks for which the liveness is calculated for uptime tracking
  • min_signed_per_window: Maximum percentage of blocks with faulty/missed validations allowed for an account in last; signed_blocks_window blocks before it gets deactivated;
  • downtime_jail_duration: Duration for Jailing
  • slash_fraction_double_sign: Percentage of funds being slashed when validator makes a byzantine fault
  • slash_fraction_downtime : Percentage of funds being slashed when a validator is non-live.

Network Parameters Aya

These parameters are in the genesis of the Aya-Sidechain.

signed_blocks_window : 100
min_signed_per_window : 0.5
downtime_jail_duration :  600s
slash_fraction_double_sign: 0.05
slash_fraction_downtime: 0.01

Slashing Mechanism:

Punishments for a validator are triggered when they either make a byzantine fault or become non-live.

Liveness Faults

A validator is said to be non-live when they fail to sign at least **min_signed_per_window blocks **(in percentage) in the last signed_blocks_window blocks successfully. signed_blocks_window and min_signed_per_window are network parameters and can be configured during genesis and can be updated during runtime by the governance module.

For example, if block_signing_window is 100 blocks and min_signed_per_window is 0.5, 
validator will be marked as non-live and jailed
if they fail to successfully sign at least 100*0.5=50 blocks
in last 100 blocks.

When a validator fails to successfully sign missed_block_threshold blocks in last block_signing_window blocks, it is immediately jailed and punished by deducting funds from their bonded and unbonded amount and removing them from active validator set. The funds to be deducted are calculated based on slash_fraction_downtime.

Byzantine Faults

A validator is said to make a byzantine fault when they sign conflicting messages/blocks at the same height and round. Tendermint has mechanisms to publish evidence of validators that signed conflicting votes so they can be punished by the slashing module. For example:

Validator who votes for two different blocks within a single round (“Equivocation validator”/ “Double signing”);

Validator who signs commit messages for arbitrary application state ( “Lunatic validator”).

The evidence of a set of validators attempting to mislead a light client can also be detected and captured. However, even the Amnesia attack can be detected, punishment can not be applied at this stage, as we can not deduce the malicious validators.


When a jailed validator wishes to resume normal operations (after downtime_jail_duration has passed), they can create anunjail transaction which marks them as un-jailed. Validator will then rejoin the validator set once it has been successful un-jailed

If the slashing mechanism is reducing your stake/voting power to zero you cannot unjail. In this case it is needed to increase your unslashed stake to regain voting power

Commands to unjail

ayad tx slashing unjail --from <aliasOfYourAccount> --home /opt/aya

aliasOfYourAccount is the account name you used when installing the validator. The -a argument.

If you cannot unjail due to zero stake you first need to self-delegate the additional token we sent to you before performing the unjailing

ayad tx staking delegate <validatorAddress(the ayavaloper one)> 1uswmt --home /opt/aya/ --from aliasOfYourAccount

How can I find my validator address?

You can easily get the validator address using the Nodebase tool script showkeys.sh, located here


https://crypto.org/docs/chain-details/module_slashing.html#overview slashing module | Crypto.org Chain

5.2 - Q&A

Questions and Answers all things Testnet

I don’t have a cosmovisor service?

The cosmovisor service is a daemon process to keep your node running. When the ayad process would exit, the service would automatically restart. So it has a vital function to keep your validator running healthy.

The cosmovisor service is installed during the node installation (install_node.sh), after your registered your node with the ENNFT. If you failed to register the node, and stopped the installation script, the installation didnt complete.

You can still register the ENNFT following the published instructions, but the cosmovisor service you would need to configure manually.

ayafix.sh is also part of the nodebase tools

Or you can install it manually from here as follows:

  1. copy the content below to a file ex. ayafix.sh
  2. chmod +x ayafix.sh
  3. sudo ./ayafix.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash


echo -e "-- Configuring your node to start on server startup\n"
sudo ln -s $aya_home/cosmovisor/current/bin/ayad /usr/local/bin/ayad >/dev/null 2>&1
sudo ln -s $aya_home/cosmovisor/cosmovisor /usr/local/bin/cosmovisor >/dev/null 2>&1

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Aya Node

ExecStart=$(which cosmovisor) run start --home "$aya_home" &>>"$aya_home"/logs/aya.log


sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor

What is my validator address?

The validator address is a function of the validator’s public key, which is used to sign prevotes and precommits.

Cosmos uses a bech32 encoded validator address, which is a more human-readable version of the same public key.

To retrieve your node’s address you can use our script addresses.sh in tools or do it manually as follows.

ayad keys list --home /opt/aya
Enter keyring passphrase:

The output will look like:

- address: aya1fnxullwf0r72hlmjyyuhjca23pl09a7rf5f752
  name: EarthNodeChile
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A7tC1Yexx3ithv611VdPEySAffVP6nqTNvN9iKX1buMr"}'
  type: local

With the address get the HEX presentation of it

ayad keys parse aya1fnxullwf0r72hlmjyyuhjca23pl09a7rf5f752 --home /opt/aya
bytes: 4CCDCFFDC978FCABFF7221397963AA887EF2F7C3
human: aya

Now parse the HEX address to get all bech32 representations

ayad keys parse 4CCDCFFDC978FCABFF7221397963AA887EF2F7C3 --home /opt/aya

The third entry with prefix ayavaloper is your validator address

- aya1fnxullwf0r72hlmjyyuhjca23pl09a7rf5f752
- ayapub1fnxullwf0r72hlmjyyuhjca23pl09a7rklpry4
- ayavaloper1fnxullwf0r72hlmjyyuhjca23pl09a7re7t8j5
- ayavaloperpub1fnxullwf0r72hlmjyyuhjca23pl09a7rng04ad
- ayavalcons1fnxullwf0r72hlmjyyuhjca23pl09a7rddcm74
- ayavalconspub1fnxullwf0r72hlmjyyuhjca23pl09a7rzv5ahu

How to add a profile image to your validator for WM Explorer?

Written by Nodebase Team member Gertjan

  1. Go to the website https://keybase.io
  2. Create an account. This can be done by going to “Login” and after that choosing for “Join Keybase”
  3. Test if your account is working properly
  4. Logout of your account. On the home page of Keybase click the button “Install”
  5. Select the correct operating system and install the software
  6. Start the Keybase client on you computer and login with the account you created in step 2
  7. Change your profile image. This is the image that will show up in WM Explorer as your validator image
  8. Create a PGP key by selecting “Add a PGP key”
  9. Choose “Get a new PGP key”
  10. Fill in the form and click “Let the math begin”
  11. Click on the button “Done” in the dialog after
  12. You can now see a 16 character PGP key
  13. On your validator run the following command:
ayad tx staking edit-validator --identity="16 character PGP key" --from <operator name> --home /opt/aya/
  1. A transaction hash (txhash) is returned. Check in WM Explorer if the transaction was successful. If not, run the command in step 13 again
  2. After a successful transaction, your profile image will appear in WM Explorer

6 - Tutorials

Full step-by-step guides.

6.1 - Public DevNet Tutorials

Full step-by-step guides for Aya DevNet.

6.1.1 - 1. Offline, Air-Gapped, Machine creation for Aya Validator Cold Key Storage

Full Step by Step Guide for setting up an Offline, Air-Gapped, Machine to hold the offline, cold, Keys for your ENO Pool.

Written by Nodebase Team member intertree (Johnny Kelly)


6.1.2 - 2. Validator Node Manual Installation

Full Installation Guide for installing a Validator Node

Written by Nodebase Team member intertree (Johnny Kelly)


The following guide will take you through all manual steps to be taken to have a fully running Validator Node.

6.2 - Public Testnet Tutorials

Full step-by-step guides for Aya Public Testnet.

6.2.1 - 1. Sentry Node Manual Installation

Full Installation Guide for installing a sentry node

Written by Nodebase Team member intertree (Johnny Kelly)


The following guide will take you through all manual steps to be taken to have a fully running Sentry Node ready to be attached to your later installed Validator.

This guide assumes you have already followed steps to set up a new user named wmt to run the Sentry Node software, and that you have taken proper steps to secure this username from being logged into from external machines.

Note: DO NOT follow this guide while logged in as the root user on your machine. This is bad practice. Make a sudo group user named wmt FIRST, and configure secure login to it using SSH keys.

Now, with that warning out of the way, we shall proceed with the guide!

Step-By-Step Installation Guide

  1. Logged in as user wmt we first start by making the base directory structure for World Mobile’s ayad and Cosmovisor binaries that are to be installed on our Node.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    Note: There is no need to replace "${USER}:${USER}" below with your own username, as ${USER} is a system variable that will always be the currently logged on user. Which, in this case, should be user wmt.

    sudo mkdir -p /opt/aya
    sudo chown "${USER}:${USER}" /opt/aya
    mkdir -p /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
    mkdir -p /opt/aya/backup
    mkdir -p /opt/aya/logs
    mkdir -p /opt/aya/config
  2. Next we set up our Node’s Aya Network Chain ID (depending on which Chain ID this Node will be running on)

    We do this by entering the one of the following commands

    Note: For the moment there is only one Chain ID for World Mobile Aya Chain Networks available publicly, but this will be changing soon and, as a result, there will be more than the single Chain ID option below to choose from. For now though, the single Chain ID option available is listed below.

    For Aya Network Public Testnet:

  3. Now we set up our Node’s Moniker (a friendly name for our Node to help identify it)

    We do this by entering the following command


    Note: 'node' is an optional default Moniker we can use to create some ‘security by obscurity’ on the Aya Blockchain Network, by NOT having our publicly listed Sentry Node be named in any way that can be linked back to the name of our ENO. If a custom public Moniker is preferred, however, We can replace 'node' with our own chosen name at this point, keeping the ''s in place.

  4. Now we install a required prerequisite package (jq) for the successful completion of installation steps.

    We do this by entering the following command

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt-get -q install jq -y

  5. Now we create an installation directory for the EarthNode installation files, navigate to it, download the installer zip file, install the unzip command (if not already installed to our OS), and extract the earthnode_installer archive.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    mkdir ~/earthnode_installer
    cd ~/earthnode_installer
    wget https://github.com/max-hontar/aya-preview-binaries/releases/download/v0.4.1/aya_preview_501_installer_2023_09_04.zip
    sudo apt-get -q install unzip -y
    unzip aya_preview_501_installer_2023_09_04.zip
    rm aya_preview_501_installer_2023_09_04.zip

  6. Now we confirm that the included binaries for ayad and cosmovisor match their release_checksums values as provided by World Mobile. Check that the output of both commands match one another.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sha256sum ayad cosmovisor
    cat release_checksums 

  7. Following this confirmation step, we copy the ayad and cosmovisor binary files to their home locations for use in future operations.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cp ~/earthnode_installer/ayad /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad
    cp ~/earthnode_installer/cosmovisor /opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor

  8. Now we initialise ayad to create all of the required configuration and set up files needed for running the cosmovisor and ayad binaries.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ./ayad init "${moniker}" --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --home /opt/aya

    We have now populated the /opt/aya directory and its subdirectories with the necessary files to configure our Node.

  9. Next we copy across the genesis.json file used to kickstart the aya_preview_501 Blockchain Connection.

    We do this by entering the following command

    cp ~/earthnode_installer/genesis.json /opt/aya/config/genesis.json

  10. Before running our Sentry Node for the first time there are some initial configuration changes that need to be made to allow for smooth operation and connection the to aya_preview_501 Blockchain, and to ensure that connections between our own ENO Infrastructure’s Nodes remain robust.

    So now we navigate to the aya config folder and open the config.toml file for our Sentry Node to make these changes.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd /opt/aya/config
    nano config.toml 

    We are now in the nano text editor, looking at the config.toml file contents for our Sentry Node.

    Note: It is possible to search for the fields we need to edit more quickly by copying them from the below steps, pressing ctrl+w inside of nano in our terminal window, right clicking on the window, pasting the names of the values we need to edit, and pressing enter to jump to them.

    We can also remove text blocks from a document that we wish to replace with new text blocks by holding down shift, selecting the existing rows we wish to remove, and then pressing ctrl+k to remove them.

    We can then select and copy the replacement text from the steps shown in this guide below, and right click and paste the new settings into the terminal window.

    We can undo any mistakes we’ve made while working inside nano by pressing alt+u

    We now make the necessary changes to this file as follows

    • Change the statesync option to be enable = true instead of false

      ###         State Sync Configuration Options        ###
      # State sync rapidly bootstraps a new node by discovering, fetching, and restoring a state machine
      # snapshot from peers instead of fetching and replaying historical blocks. Requires some peers in
      # the network to take and serve state machine snapshots. State sync is not attempted if the node
      # has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0). The node will have a truncated block history,
      # starting from the height of the snapshot.
      enable = true 

    • Change the addr_book_strict option to be addr_book_strict = false instead of true

      # Set true for strict address routability rules
      # Set false for private or local networks
      addr_book_strict = false

    • Set the log_level to “error” instead of “info”

      log_level = "error"

    • Set the public nodes supplied by World Mobile, that provide a statesync of historical Blockchain Data to our new Sentry Node, as persistent_peers

      # Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
      persistent_peers = "692f6bb765ed3170db4fb5f5dfd27c54503d52d3@peer1-501.worldmobilelabs.com:26656,d1da4b1ad17ea35cf8c1713959b430a95743afcd@peer2-501.worldmobilelabs.com:26656"

    • Set the public seed node supplied by World Mobile, that helps keep your Sentry Node’s P2P address book file up to date, as a seed in seeds

      # Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
      seeds = "7836955a4d42ed85a6adb13ae4f96806ab2fd9b2@peer3-501.worldmobilelabs.com:26656"    

    • Set the external_address = “” field to have our own Node’s Public IP address followed by our Node’s local connection Port (default 26656), so that it can broadcast this information to other nodes over P2P (replace x.x.x.x with our Node’s Public IP).

      # Address to advertise to peers for them to dial
      # If empty, will use the same port as the laddr,
      # and will introspect on the listener or use UPnP
      # to figure out the address. ip and port are required
      # example:
      external_address = "x.x.x.x:26656"

    At this point the initial editing work to our config.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the config.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

    Next we need to make some initial changes to the app.toml file contents for our Sentry Node.

    Luckily, the app.toml file we need to edit is in the same directory as config.toml.

    So we do this by entering the following command

    nano app.toml

    We now make the necessary changes to this file as follows

    • Replace GRPC port to not overlap with standard Prometheus port, replacing 9090 with 29090
      # Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
      address = "localhost:29090"
    • make sure the gas price units for our network to be 0uswmt
      # The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
      # transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
      # specified in this config (e.g. 0.25token1;0.0001token2).
      minimum-gas-prices = "0uswmt"
    • Change the API Configuration section enable option to be enable = true instead of false
      # Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
      enable = true

    At this point the initial editing work to our app.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the app.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

  11. Now we need to export some environment variables to get our system ready to run our Sentry Node for the first time.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    export DAEMON_NAME=ayad
    export DAEMON_HOME=/opt/aya
    export DAEMON_DATA_BACKUP_DIR=/opt/aya/backup
    ulimit -Sn 4096

  12. Before proceeding to start up our Sentry Node for the first time we will need to install some live monitoring software to see what it is doing once active.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/
    mkdir nodebase-tools 
    cd nodebase-tools
    wget -O ayaview.zip https://github.com/nodebasewm/download/blob/main/ayaview.zip?raw=true
    unzip ayaview.zip
    rm ayaview.zip

  13. We will also quickly add a new Firewall Rule to our Server to allow Incoming connections to come into our Node once it has started.

    What command we need to enter to do this will depend on how our Server is set up to handle Firewall Rules.

    If our Server is using ufw to handle Firewall Rules (most likely for most installs) we need to enter the following command to accept Incoming connections over Port 26656 (a Sentry Node’s default Port)

    sudo ufw allow from any to any port 26656 proto tcp

    If our Server is using iptables to handle Firewall Rules we need to enter the following group of commands to accept Incoming connections over Port 26656 (a Sentry Node’s default Port)

    sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 26656 -j ACCEPT
    sudo service iptables save

    If we haven’t yet set up our Firewall Rules at all, we can follow the steps laid out over at Firewall Settings to do this.

  14. With the Firewall Rule added we are now going to start up our Sentry Node for the first time, manually.

    Note: Later we will be setting up a service file to have our Node automatically restart on Server reboot, or following a crash. For now though we will proceed manually.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    Note: There is a lot of automated scripting shown below that has to be run before first boot of Node to ensure that it will start to sync the chain. It will not be needed again for future start ups.

    LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s "http://peer1-501.worldmobilelabs.com:26657/block" | jq -r .result.block.header.height)
    TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s "http://peer1-501.worldmobilelabs.com:26657/block?height=${BLOCK_HEIGHT}" | jq -r .result.block_id.hash)
    # Set available RPC servers (at least two) required for light client snapshot verification
    sed -i -E "s|^(rpc_servers[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"http://peer1-501.worldmobilelabs.com:26657,http://peer2-501.worldmobilelabs.com:26657\"|" /opt/aya/config/config.toml
    # Set "safe" trusted block height
    sed -i -E "s|^(trust_height[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1$BLOCK_HEIGHT|" /opt/aya/config/config.toml
    # Set "qsafe" trusted block hash
    sed -i -E "s|^(trust_hash[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$TRUST_HASH\"|" /opt/aya/config/config.toml
    # Set trust period, should be ~2/3 unbonding time (3 weeks for preview network)
    sed -i -E "s|^(trust_period[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"302h0m0s\"|" /opt/aya/config/config.toml
    cd ~/earthnode_installer
    /opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor run start --home /opt/aya &>>/opt/aya/logs/cosmovisor.log &

    We have now started our Node software for the first time!

  15. Now we shall proceed to monitoring it.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/nodebase-tools 

    The ayaview software will start up and visually show us the Blockchain data being downloaded to bring us up to date with the current tip of the chain.

    We will know it has caught up to the current state of the Chain once the Block Height column stops counting up so quickly, and starts adding just 1 new Block Height to left hand table only around every 5-6 seconds.

    Once we are up to date with the current tip of the Chain we need to do some tidy up work on both the config.toml and app.toml files that we edited before the first run of our Node.

    We can do this by first pressing q on the ayaview console to quit out of it and then by entering the following group of commands

    cd /opt/aya/config/
    nano config.toml

    We are now back in the nano text editor, looking at the config.toml file contents for our Sentry Node.

    We now make the necessary changes to this file as follows

    • change the statesync option to be enable = false instead of true
    ###         State Sync Configuration Options        ###
    # State sync rapidly bootstraps a new node by discovering, fetching, and restoring a state machine
    # snapshot from peers instead of fetching and replaying historical blocks. Requires some peers in
    # the network to take and serve state machine snapshots. State sync is not attempted if the node
    # has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0). The node will have a truncated block history,
    # starting from the height of the snapshot.
    enable = false

    At this point the tidy up editing work to our config.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the config.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

  16. Next we need to make a change to the app.toml file contents for our Sentry Node.

    We do this by entering the following command

    nano app.toml

    And we edit the following section of the file to the below setting, changing it from being 0 to being 100.

    Note: Setting the snapshot-interval to 100 will ensure that we can use our Sentry Node to kickstart our Validator later on. Which will allow us to set up our Validator without ever exposing its external IP to the rest of the Network.

    # snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
    # taken (0 to disable).
    snapshot-interval = 100

    At this point the tidy up editing work to our app.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the app.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

    Note: These config.toml and app.toml file edits above should only be completed once we are SURE that our Node is up to date with the current state of the Chain. We DO NOT make this edit before our Node has fully synced to the current Block Height ayaview, and is adding a new Block around every 5-6 seconds.

  17. At present, our Node should be running along nicely in the background and keeping up to date with the current state of the Chain, but we still have to complete some more steps before we have fully completed our Sentry Node’s initial set up.

    First we need to ensure that we have saved all of our Node’s important data, needed for future reference both by tools and by us.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/earthnode_installer
    # Get the address of the validator
    validator_address=$(./ayad tendermint show-address --home /opt/aya)
    # Use 'jq' to create a JSON object with the 'moniker', 'operator_address' and 'validator_address' fields
    jq --arg key0 'moniker' \
    --arg value0 "$moniker" \
    --arg key1 'validator_address' \
    --arg value1 "$validator_address" \
    '. | .[$key0]=$value0 | .[$key1]=$value1'  \
    <<<'{}' | tee /opt/aya/sentry.json

    This will save our Sentry Node’s data to the filename sentry.json in the /opt/aya directory.

  18. Next we want to set up some symbolic links for the ‘ayad’ and ‘cosmovisor’ binaries so that their specific commands can be called from anywhere on our Node’s filesystem.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sudo ln -s /opt/aya/cosmovisor/current/bin/ayad /usr/local/bin/ayad >/dev/null 2>&1
    sudo ln -s /opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor /usr/local/bin/cosmovisor >/dev/null 2>&1

  19. And finally, we want to create a systemd service file that will allow our Node to automatically start on a reboot of our Server and to automatically attempt to restart itself on any crashes.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service > /dev/null <<EOF
    # Start the 'cosmovisor' daemon
    # Create a Systemd service file for the 'cosmovisor' daemon
    Description=Aya Node
    # Start the 'cosmovisor' daemon with the 'run start' command and write output to journalctl
    ExecStart=$(which cosmovisor) run start --home /opt/aya
    # Restart the service if it fails
    # Restart the service after 3 seconds if it fails
    # Set the maximum number of file descriptors
    # Set environment variables for data backups, automatic downloading of binaries, and automatic restarts after upgrades
    # Start the service on system boot

    This will have added a new service file to our Server under the path /etc/systemd/system named cosmovisor.service. This service file is what will be called when the Server reboots, or if our Node crashes.

  20. With the service now created, we now need to enable it for future use.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    # Reload the Systemd daemon
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    # Enable the 'cosmovisor' service to start on system boot
    sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor

    We can now confirm that our service is ready to be started by entering the following command.

    sudo systemctl status cosmovisor.service

    This should show us the following

    ○ cosmovisor.service - Aya Node
        Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: inactive (dead)

    If we see this, we know we have successfully installed our Aya Node Service.

  21. All that remains now, is to close down our first run of our Node and to restart it using this newly installed Service instead of manually launching our Node as before.

    To do this, we need to identify what the current process number of our still running first run Node is.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ps -ef | grep cosmovisor

    The output of this command should something like this

    wmt   33619   33486  0 03:11 pts/0    00:00:02 /opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor run start --home /opt/aya
    wmt   33625   33619 33 03:11 pts/0    00:16:16 /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad start --home /opt/aya
    wmt   34703   33486  0 03:59 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto cosmovisor

    What we are looking for is the leftmost number appearing for the line that contains “/opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor run start –home /opt/aya” on its right hand side

    In the above example, this number is 33619.

    Our number will be different, and we need to take a note of it for the next step.

    Once we have this number we can now use it to turn off our first run Node that has served us so well to get our Blockchain sync up to date with the current tip of the Chain.

    We do this by entering the following command

    Note: We replace <number> with our noted number from above at this point, removing the surrounding <>

    sudo kill <number>

    We have now killed our running Node, but don’t worry, we are going to bring it right back to life. Except this time, as a Service!

    To do this we enter the following command

    sudo systemctl start cosmovisor.service

    Now we need to check that cosmovisor.service has started properly.

    We do this by entering the following command

    sudo systemctl status cosmovisor.service

    When we ran this command previously it said our Aya Node Service was inactive (dead), this time it should say something like the following

    cosmovisor.service - Aya Node
        Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-03-01 04:06:05 UTC; 4s ago
    Main PID: 34791 (cosmovisor)
        Tasks: 15 (limit: 4573)
        Memory: 382.3M
            CPU: 5.063s
        CGroup: /system.slice/cosmovisor.service
                ├─34791 /usr/local/bin/cosmovisor run start --home /opt/aya
                └─34796 /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad start --home /opt/aya
    Mar 01 04:06:05 localhost systemd[1]: Started Aya Node.
    Mar 01 04:06:05 localhost cosmovisor[34791]: 4:06AM INF running app args=["start","--home","/opt/aya"] module=cosmovisor path=/opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad

    Some details will be different to the above example, but this should be the general layout. The important point is that it should say ‘active (running)’ in green.

  22. We can now confirm everything is continuing to sync from the Blockchain by going back to our ayaview console and watching to see if the Block Height is still slowly ticking upwards as before.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/nodebase-tools

    If everything is working as it should our ayaview console should now be showing us the Aya Blockchain ticking on by once more, around every 5-6 seconds.

And that’s it!!!

Congratulations! We have now successfully completed setting up a Sentry Node!

Note: At the moment though, our Sentry Node does not yet have a Validator that it connects to for protecting it, and passing on its Block Votes.

Which means it hasn’t yet got to fulfil its true purpose in life just yet (much like many of us).

So, to fix this, we will tackle connecting our newly set up Sentry Node to our EarthNode Validator, as well as any other running Sentry Nodes in our Infrastructure, in a separate guide.

For now though, we can simply bask in the glory of setting up a well running Sentry Node!

6.2.2 - 2. Validator Node Manual Installation

Full Installation Guide for installing a Validator Node

Written by Nodebase Team member intertree (Johnny Kelly)


The following guide will take you through all manual steps to be taken to have a fully running Validator Node. Taking you through how attach it to your prevously installed Sentry Nodes, and how to register your EarthNode Stake Pool via both an On-Chain ENNFT Registration Transaction on the Cardano Network as well as an On-Chain Validator Registration Transaction on the Aya Network.

A number of elements of the set up process are very similiar to that of setting up a Sentry Node.

However additional steps will be required to ensure that the Validator only ever connects to other Nodes under your own control, so that your Validator Node’s ID and IP adddress are never publicised to the rest of the Blockchain Network.

This will require changing settings on both your existing Sentry Nodes and your newly set up Validator, to ensure proper cross connections are in place.

Details of what changes need to be made, on both sides, will appear in this guide.

This guide assumes you have already set up the Sentry Nodes that will be used to connect to this Validator using the steps laid out over at Sentry Node Manual Installation.

Note: In order for full Validator set-up to work without ever connecting to a World Mobile supplied Node, you will need to have two working Sentry Nodes in your Infrastructure.

As they will be acting as the two required RPC Servers to help kickstart your Validator syncing to the tip of the Chain.

This guide also assumes that all IP addresses being used to established cross connections between your Sentry Nodes and your Validator will be Private IP addresses, and that each will be visable to one another.

Note: In order for this to be the case all of your Nodes will need to appear under the same IP subnet. To achieve this within an Infrastructure in which you have Nodes running across either multiple Cloud Providers or a hybrid mix of Cloud and Baremetal Servers you will need to install and run a VPN Service that will make each of your Nodes appear to eachother as being on the same local network.

Setting up of such a VPN Service is outside the scope of this guide, but it is highly recommended that a VPN Service be used in any set up where Nodes do not already have Private IPs, on the same local subnet, that can be utilised for the task.

If all of your Nodes are running on the same Cloud Provider it is highly likely that they will already be running on the same Private IP subnet, and that that your Cloud Provider will make thse Private IPs available to you, but it must be highlighted that relying on a single Cloud Provider for all of your Node Infrastructure also creates a single point of failure for your EarthNode Stake Pool.

The level of acceptance you have for this single point of failure risk, is up to you.

And finally, this guide assumes you have already followed steps to set up a new user named wmt to run the Sentry Node software, and that you have taken proper steps to secure this username from being logged into from external machines.

Note: DO NOT follow this guide while logged in as the root user on your machine. This is bad practice. Make a sudo group user named wmt FIRST, and configure secure login to it using SSH keys.

Now, with this introduction, and its various warnings, out of the way, we shall proceed with the guide!

Step-By-Step Installation Guide

  1. Logged in as user wmt we first start by making the base directory structure for World Mobile’s ayad and Cosmovisor binaries that are to be installed on our Node.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    Note: There is no need to replace "${USER}:${USER}" below with your own username, as ${USER} is a system variable that will always be the currently logged on user. Which, in this case, should be user wmt.

    sudo mkdir -p /opt/aya
    sudo chown "${USER}:${USER}" /opt/aya
    mkdir -p /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
    mkdir -p /opt/aya/backup
    mkdir -p /opt/aya/logs
    mkdir -p /opt/aya/config
  2. Next we set up our Node’s Aya Network Chain ID (depending on which Chain ID this Node will be running on)

    We do this by entering the one of the following commands

    Note: For the moment there is only one Chain ID for World Mobile Aya Chain Networks available publicly, but this will be changing soon and, as a result, there will be more than the single Chain ID option below to choose from. For now though, the single Chain ID option available is listed below.

    For Aya Network Public Testnet:

  3. Now we set up our Node’s Account name (a friendly name for Our Operator Wallet Address that will be used to run our EarthNode Stake Pool) and Moniker (a friendly name for our Validator Node that will appear On-Chain for people to Delegate to). We will also save our Account name to a file for future reference.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    echo "$account" > /opt/aya/account

    Note: We replace <account> and <moniker> with our own chosen names at this point, removing the surrounding <> They can be the same name.

  4. Now we install a required prerequisite package (jq) for the successful completion of installation steps.

    We do this by entering the following command

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -q install jq -y

  5. Now we create an installation directory for the EarthNode installation files, navigate to it, download the installer zip file, install the unzip command (if not already installed to our OS), and extract the earthnode_installer archive.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    mkdir ~/earthnode_installer
    cd ~/earthnode_installer
    wget https://github.com/max-hontar/aya-preview-binaries/releases/download/v0.4.1/aya_preview_501_installer_2023_09_04.zip
    sudo apt-get -q install unzip -y
    unzip aya_preview_501_installer_2023_09_04.zip
    rm aya_preview_501_installer_2023_09_04.zip
  6. Now we confirm that the included binaries for ayad and cosmovisor match their release_checksums values as provided by World Mobile. Check that the output of both commands match one another.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sha256sum ayad cosmovisor
    cat release_checksums 

  7. Following this confirmation step, we copy the ayad and cosmovisor binary files to their home locations for use in future operations.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cp ~/earthnode_installer/ayad /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad
    cp ~/earthnode_installer/cosmovisor /opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor

  8. Now we initialise ayad to create all of the required configuration and set up files needed for running the cosmovisor and ayad binaries.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ./ayad init "${moniker}" --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --home /opt/aya

    We have now populated the /opt/aya directory and its subdirectories with the necessary files to configure our Node.

  9. Next we copy across the genesis.json file used to kickstart the aya_preview_501 Blockchain Connection.

    We do this by entering the following command

    cp ~/earthnode_installer/genesis.json /opt/aya/config/genesis.json
  10. Now we are going to create a new Operator Account, and display its Seed Phrase.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    Note: During this step you will be asked to set up a spending password for your Account, this password will be needed when sending your On-Chain Validator Registration Transaction in a later step. Enter in a secure password to be used for this.

    # Create a new operator account and store the JSON output in the 'operator_json' variable
    operator_json=$(./ayad keys add "${account}" --output json --home /opt/aya)
    # Extract the address from the 'operator_json' variable and store it in the 'operator_address' variable
    operator_address=$(echo "$operator_json" | jq '.address' | sed 's/\"//g')
    # Display the mnemonic and address of the operator account
    echo -e "\n-- [ONLY FOR YOUR EYES] Store this information safely, the mnemonic is the only way to recover your account. \n"
    echo "$operator_json" | jq -M

    Note: This Operator Account is similar to a Cardano Wallet, and as such it will have along with it a Seed Phrase to allow for its future recovery. It is vitally important that we keep this Seed Phrase in a safe and secure location in case we ever need to recover our Account on a different machine in the future. The Operator Account is what controls our EarthNode Stake Pool’s Registration and Pool settings, so if we lose access to this Account we will lose access to our EarthNode Stake Pool altogether.

  11. Next we are going to need the obtain our Validator Node’s Node ID in order to complete some work over on our already configured Sentry Nodes in the next section of the guide.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ./ayad tendermint show-node-id --home /opt/aya

    Note: At this point we want to copy and paste the output of this command to a separate, temporary, text file on our machine for use in the Sentry Node section of this guide. Which is starting now.

Now we need to prepare our Sentry Nodes for connection from our Validator.

Note: During the following section of the guide work will be being done on both of our Sentry Nodes to make them ready for Validator first contact. However, to simplify the instructions, the steps to take on our Sentry Nodes will only be run through once.

We need to Make sure to complete the steps below on both of our Sentry Nodes. To do this, we will need to connect to each of them in separate terminal windows. Remember, these edits are not to be done on our Validator Node.

We also need to make sure to not close our existing Validator Node terminal window while working on the separate terminal windows of our already ocnfigured Sentry Nodes. As doing so will break future steps in Valdiator set up.

  1. After connecting in a separate terminal window to our already configured Sentry Node we are now going to obtain its Node ID.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ayad tendermint show-node-id --home /opt/aya

    Note: At this point we want to copy and paste the output of this command to a separate temporary text file on our machine for use later in this guide.

  2. Continuing on our already configured Sentry Node we are now going to make an edit to its config.toml file to allow for remote RPC connections.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd /opt/aya/config
    nano config.toml 

    We are now in the nano text editor, looking at the config.toml file contents for our already configured Sentry Node.

    Note: It is possible to search for the fields we need to edit more quickly by copying them from the below steps, pressing ctrl+w inside of nano in our terminal window, right clicking on the window, pasting the names of the values we need to edit, and pressing enter to jump to them.

    We can also remove text blocks from a document that we wish to replace with new text blocks by holding down shift, selecting the existing rows we wish to remove, and then pressing ctrl+k to remove them.

    We can then select and copy the replacement text from the steps shown in this guide below, and right click and paste the new settings into the terminal window.

    We can undo any mistakes we’ve made while working inside nano by pressing alt+u

    We now make the necessary changes to this file as follows

    • Add our Validator’s Node ID to unconditional_peer_ids
      # List of node IDs, to which a connection will be (re)established ignoring any existing limits
      unconditional_peer_ids = "<Validator Node ID>"

    Note: We replace <Validator Node ID> with our separately copied Validator Node ID from above at this point, removing the surrounding <>

    • Add our Validator’s Node ID to private_peer_ids
      # Comma separated list of peer IDs to keep private (will not be gossiped to other peers)
      private_peer_ids = "<Validator Node ID>"

    Note: We replace <Validator Node ID> with our separately copied Validator Node ID from above at this point, removing the surrounding <>

    • Set the laddr = “tcp://” field to be laddr = “tcp://” in the RPC Server Configuration Options section of the file.
      # TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
      laddr = "tcp://"

    At this point the editing work to our already configured Sentry Node’s config.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the config.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

  3. Next we may need to make a change to the app.toml file contents for our already configured Sentry Node.

    Luckily, the app.toml file we need to edit is in the same directory as config.toml.

    So we do this by entering the following command

    nano app.toml

    We now make the necessary change to this file as follows

    • Set snapshot interval to 100 instead of 0 to activate the snapshot manager

    Note: It is quite possible that our already configured Sentry Node’s snapshot-interval is already set to be 100. If this is the case, no further changes are neccessary.

    # snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
    # taken (0 to disable).
    snapshot-interval = 100

    At this point the editing work to our app.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the app.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

  4. Now we are going to add a new Firewall Rule on our already configured Sentry Node to Allow traffic from our Validator Node’s Private IP address to come in over Port 26657.

    What command we need to enter to do this will depend on how our Server is set up to handle Firewall Rules.

    If our Server is using ufw to handle Firewall Rules (most likely for most installs) we need to enter the following command

    sudo ufw allow from <Validator.Private.IP.address> to any port 26657 proto tcp

    If our Server is using iptables to handle Firewall Rules we need to enter the following group of commands

    sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -s <Validator.Private.IP.address> --dport 26657 -j ACCEPT
    sudo service iptables save

    Note: We replace <Validator.Node.Private.IP> with our Validator Node’s IP at this point, removing the surrounding <>

  5. Now we need to check that our changes didn’t do anything to prevent our already configured Sentry Node from being able to start up its cosmovisor Service.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sudo systemctl restart cosmovisor.service
    sudo systemctl status cosmovisor.service

    If all of our changes have not caused any issues with our already configured Sentry Node’s cosmovisor Service we should see something very similar to the following output.

    ● cosmovisor.service - Aya Node
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-03-15 16:27:02 UTC; 6s ago
       Main PID: 122758 (cosmovisor)
          Tasks: 15 (limit: 4660)
         Memory: 568.5M
            CPU: 9.121s
         CGroup: /system.slice/cosmovisor.service
                 ├─122758 /usr/local/bin/cosmovisor run start --home /opt/aya 
                 └─122764 /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad start --home /opt/aya
    Mar 15 16:27:02 wmt-sentry1 systemd[1]: Started Aya Node.
    Mar 15 16:27:02 wmt-sentry1 cosmovisor[122758]: 4:27PM INF running app args=["start","--home","/opt/aya"] module=cosmovisor path=/opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad
    Mar 15 16:27:08 wmt-sentry1 cosmovisor[122764]: 4:27PM ERR Error dialing peer err="dial tcp <Validator.Node.Private.IP>:26656: connect: connection refused" module=p2p

    Note: Even though we see a connect: connection refused error at this point this is only due to the fact that we haven’t yet started up our Validator for the first time. Seeing this error simply means our configuration has been laoded into our already configured Sentry Node successfully. Because we entered our Validator Node’s ID into the unconditional_peers section of the config.toml file, this should not pose an issue.

We have now concluded our required edits to our already configured Sentry Node’s set up. We need to make sure that we have completed the above steps to both of our Sentry Nodes.

We can now to return to our Valdiator Node to complete the rest of its set up.

  1. Before running our Validator Node for the first time there are some initial configuration changes that need to be made to allow for smooth operation and connection the to aya_preview_501 Blockchain, and to ensure that connections between our own ENO Infrastructure’s Nodes remain robust.

    So now we navigate to the aya config folder and open the config.toml file for our Validator Node to make these changes.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd /opt/aya/config
    nano config.toml 

    We are now in the nano text editor, looking at the config.toml file contents for our Validator Node.

    We now make the necessary changes to this file as follows

    • Change the statesync option to be enable = true instead of false

      ###         State Sync Configuration Options        ###
      # State sync rapidly bootstraps a new node by discovering, fetching, and restoring a state machine
      # snapshot from peers instead of fetching and replaying historical blocks. Requires some peers in
      # the network to take and serve state machine snapshots. State sync is not attempted if the node
      # has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0). The node will have a truncated block history,
      # starting from the height of the snapshot.
      enable = true 

    • Change the pex option to be pex = false instead of true

      # Set true to enable the peer-exchange reactor
      pex = false

    • Change the addr_book_strict option to be addr_book_strict = false instead of true

      # Set true for strict address routability rules
      # Set false for private or local networks
      addr_book_strict = false

    • Change the persistent_peers_max_dial_period option to be persistent_peers_max_dial_period = “10s” instead of “0s”

      # Maximum pause when redialing a persistent peer (if zero, exponential backoff is used)
      persistent_peers_max_dial_period = "10s"

    • Set the log_level to “error” instead of “info”

      log_level = "error"

    • Set our already configured Sentry Nodes, that will seed Blockchain Data to our new Sentry Node, as persistent_peers

      # Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
      persistent_peers = "<Sentry Node 1 Node ID>@<Sentry.Node1.Private.IP>:26656,<Sentry Node2 Node ID>@<Sentry.Node2.Private.IP>:26656"

    Note: We replace <Sentry Node 1 ID> and <Sentry Node 2 ID> with our separately copied Sentry Node IDs from above, as well as <Sentry.Node1.Private.IP> and <Sentry.Node2.Private.IP> with each of our already configured Sentry Node’s IPs, at this point, removing the surrounding <>

    • Add our alreay configured Sentry Node IDs to unconditional_peer_ids
      # List of node IDs, to which a connection will be (re)established ignoring any existing limits
      unconditional_peer_ids = "<Sentry Node 1 ID>,<Sentry Node 2 ID>"

    Note: We replace <Sentry Node 1 ID> and <Sentry Node 2 ID> with our separately copied Sentry Node IDs from above at this point, removing the surrounding <>

    At this point the initial editing work to our config.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the config.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

    Next we need to make some initial changes to the app.toml file contents for our Validator Node.

    Luckily, the app.toml file we need to edit is in the same directory as config.toml.

    So we do this by entering the following command

    nano app.toml

    We now make the necessary changes to this file as follows

    • Replace GRPC port to not overlap with standard Prometheus port, replacing 9090 with 29090
      # Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
      address = "localhost:29090"
    • Make sure that the gas price units for our network are set to be 0uswmt
      # The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
      # transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
      # specified in this config (e.g. 0.25token1;0.0001token2).
      minimum-gas-prices = "0uswmt"
    • Change the API Configuration section enable option to be enable = true instead of false
      # Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
      enable = true

    At this point the editing work to our app.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the app.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

  2. Now we need to export some environment variables to get our system ready to run our Validator Node for the first time.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    export DAEMON_NAME=ayad
    export DAEMON_HOME=/opt/aya
    export DAEMON_DATA_BACKUP_DIR=/opt/aya/backup
    ulimit -Sn 4096
  3. Before proceeding to start up our Valdiator Node for the first time we will need to install some live monitoring software to see what it is doing once active.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/
    mkdir nodebase-tools 
    cd nodebase-tools
    wget -O ayaview.zip https://github.com/nodebasewm/download/blob/main/ayaview.zip?raw=true
    unzip ayaview.zip
    rm ayaview.zip
  4. Now we shall set up some variables that will be used in the next step to allow us to quickly manually start up our Validator, and let it begin its statesync process.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    Note: We need to make sure we have replaced <Sentry.Node1.Private.IP> and <Sentry.Node2.Private.IP> below with the Private IP addresses that come from each of our Sentry Nodes, removing the surrounding <>s, before entering this group of commands.

    We can do this by copying the above group of commands below into a separate, temporary, text file and making any required edits before finally copying and pasting them into our Validator Node’s terminal window.

  5. At this point, before running our Node Software for the first time, we are going to check that our Firewall Rules are set up to match the recommended settings laid out over at Firewall Settings

    We can check our Node’s current settings match by entering the following command

    sudo ufw status numbered

    If they match we can carry on with the guide. If not, we will follow the Validator Firewall setup steps on the Firewall settings page and then continue with the guide.

  6. With the Firewall Rules now verified or added, and our Sentry Nodes’ Private IP addresses set, we are now going to start up our Valdiator Node for the first time, manually.

    Note: Later we will be setting up a service file to have our Node automatically restart on Server reboot, or following a crash. For now though we will proceed manually.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    Note: There is a lot of automated scripting shown below that has to be run before first boot of Node to ensure that it will start to sync the chain. It will not be needed again for future start ups.

    We need to make sure that this whole set of commands below is copied and pasted into our Terminal window as a single, whole, blob, and is not entered piecemeal, in order for the blob to work properly.

    LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s ""${RPC_PEER_1}":26657/block" | jq -r .result.block.header.height)
    TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s ""${RPC_PEER_1}":26657/block?height=${BLOCK_HEIGHT}" | jq -r .result.block_id.hash)
    # Set available RPC servers (at least two) required for light client snapshot verification
    sed -i -E "s|^(rpc_servers[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\""${RPC_PEER_1}":26657,"${RPC_PEER_2}":26657\"|" /opt/aya/config/config.toml
    # Set "safe" trusted block height
    sed -i -E "s|^(trust_height[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1$BLOCK_HEIGHT|" /opt/aya/config/config.toml
    # Set "qsafe" trusted block hash
    sed -i -E "s|^(trust_hash[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$TRUST_HASH\"|" /opt/aya/config/config.toml
    # Set trust period, should be ~2/3 unbonding time (3 weeks for preview network)
    sed -i -E "s|^(trust_period[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"302h0m0s\"|" /opt/aya/config/config.toml
    cd ~/earthnode_installer
    /opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor run start --home /opt/aya &>>/opt/aya/logs/cosmovisor.log &

    We have now started our Node software for the first time!

  7. Now we shall proceed to monitoring it.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/nodebase-tools 

    The ayaview software will start up and visually show us the Blockchain data being downloaded to bring us up to date with the current tip of the chain.

    We will know it has caught up to the current state of the Chain once the Block Height column stops counting up so quickly, and starts adding just 1 new Block Height to left hand table only around every 5-6 seconds.

    Once we are up to date with the current tip of the Chain we need to do some tidy up work on both the config.toml and app.toml files that we edited before the first run of our Node.

    We can do this by first pressing q on the ayaview console to quit out of it and then by entering the following group of commands

    cd /opt/aya/config/
    nano config.toml

    We are now back in the nano text editor, looking at the config.toml file contents for our Validator Node.

    We now make the necessary changes to this file as follows

    • change the statesync option to be enable = false instead of true
    ###         State Sync Configuration Options        ###
    # State sync rapidly bootstraps a new node by discovering, fetching, and restoring a state machine
    # snapshot from peers instead of fetching and replaying historical blocks. Requires some peers in
    # the network to take and serve state machine snapshots. State sync is not attempted if the node
    # has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0). The node will have a truncated block history,
    # starting from the height of the snapshot.
    enable = false

    At this point the tidy up editing work to our config.toml file is done, and it can now be saved with these changes.

    To save the config.toml file within nano editor we press ctrl+x and then press y, followed by enter. This will save the file with the same filename as before.

    Note: This config.toml file edit above should only be completed once we are SURE that our Node is up to date with the current state of the Chain. We DO NOT make this edit before our Node has fully synced to the current Block Height ayaview, and is adding a new Block around every 5-6 seconds.

  8. At present, our Node should be running along nicely in the background and keeping up to date with the current state of the Chain, but we still have to complete some more steps before we have fully completed our Valdiator Node’s initial set up.

    First we to ensure that we have saved all of our Node’s important data, needed for future reference both by tools and by us.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/earthnode_installer
    # Get the address of the validator
    validator_address=$(./ayad tendermint show-address --home /opt/aya)
    # Use 'jq' to create a JSON object with the 'moniker', 'operator_address' and 'validator_address' fields
    jq --arg key0 'moniker' \
       --arg value0 "$moniker" \
       --arg key1 'operator_address' \
       --arg value1 "$operator_address" \
       --arg key2 'validator_address' \
       --arg value2 "$validator_address" \
       '. | .[$key0]=$value0 | .[$key1]=$value1 | .[$key2]=$value2' \
     <<<'{}' | tee /opt/aya/registration.json  

    This will save our Validator Node’s data to the filename registration.json in the /opt/aya directory.

  9. Next we want to set up some symbolic links for the ‘ayad’ and ‘cosmovisor’ binaries so that their specific commands can be called from anywhere on our Node’s filesystem.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sudo ln -s /opt/aya/cosmovisor/current/bin/ayad /usr/local/bin/ayad >/dev/null 2>&1
    sudo ln -s /opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor /usr/local/bin/cosmovisor >/dev/null 2>&1

  10. And finally, we want to create a systemd service file that will allow our Node to automatically start on a reboot of our Server and to automatically attempt to restart itself on any crashes.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service > /dev/null <<EOF
    # Start the 'cosmovisor' daemon 
    # Create a Systemd service file for the 'cosmovisor' daemon
    Description=Aya Node
    # Start the 'cosmovisor' daemon with the 'run start' command and write output to journalctl
    ExecStart=$(which cosmovisor) run start --home /opt/aya
    # Restart the service if it fails
    # Restart the service after 3 seconds if it fails
    # Set the maximum number of file descriptors
    # Set environment variables for data backups, automatic downloading of binaries, and automatic restarts after upgrades
    # Start the service on system boot

    This will have added a new service file to our Server under the path /etc/systemd/system named cosmovisor.service. This service file is what will be called when the Server reboots, or if our Node crashes.

  11. With the service now created, we now need to enable it for future use.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    # Reload the Systemd daemon
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    # Enable the 'cosmovisor' service to start on system boot
    sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor

    We can now confirm that our service is ready to be started by entering the following command.

    sudo systemctl status cosmovisor.service

    This should show us the following

    ○ cosmovisor.service - Aya Node
        Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: inactive (dead)

    If we see this, we know we have successfully installed our Aya Node Service.

  12. All that remains now, is to close down our first run of our Node and to restart it using this newly installed Service instead of manually launching our Node as before.

    To do this, we need to identify what the current process number of our still running first run Node is.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ps -ef | grep cosmovisor

    The output of this command should something like this

    wmt       147797  146916  0 16:44 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor run start --home /opt/aya
    wmt       147803  147797 11 16:44 pts/0    00:01:05 /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad start --home /opt/aya
    wmt       148235  146916  0 16:54 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto cosmovisor

    What we are looking for is the leftmost number appearing for the line that contains “/opt/aya/cosmovisor/cosmovisor run start –home /opt/aya” on its right hand side

    In the above example, this number is 147797.

    Our number will be different, and we need to take a note of it for the next step.

    Once we have this number we can now use it to turn off our first run Node that has served us so well to get our Blockchain sync up to date with the current tip of the Chain.

    We do this by entering the following command Note: We replace <number> with our noted number from above at this point, removing the surrounding <>

    sudo kill <number>

    We have now killed our running Node, but don’t worry, we are going to bring it right back to life. Except this time, as a Service!

    To do this we enter the following command

    sudo systemctl start cosmovisor.service

    Now we need to check that cosmovisor.service has started properly.

    We do this by entering the following command

    sudo systemctl status cosmovisor.service

    When we ran this command previously it said our Aya Node Service was inactive (dead), this time it should say something like the following

    cosmovisor.service - Aya Node
        Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-03-01 04:06:05 UTC; 4s ago
    Main PID: 34791 (cosmovisor)
        Tasks: 15 (limit: 4573)
        Memory: 382.3M
            CPU: 5.063s
        CGroup: /system.slice/cosmovisor.service
                ├─34791 /usr/local/bin/cosmovisor run start --home /opt/aya
                └─34796 /opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad start --home /opt/aya 
    Mar 01 04:06:05 localhost systemd[1]: Started Aya Node.
    Mar 01 04:06:05 localhost cosmovisor[34791]: 4:06AM INF running app args=["start","--home","/opt/aya"] module=cosmovisor path=/opt/aya/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/ayad

    Some details will be different to the above example, but this should be the general layout. The important point is that it should say ‘active (running)’ in green.

  13. We can now confirm everything is continuing to sync from the Blockchain by going back to our ayaview console and watching to see if the Block Height is still slowly ticking upwards as before.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/nodebase-tools

    If everything is working as it should our ayaview console should now be showing us the Aya Blockchain ticking on by once more, around every 5-6 seconds.

At this stage in the guide, we have successfully completed setting up a Validator Node that is able to privately sync with the Aya Blockchain, through only our already configured Sentry Nodes, but we have not yet used it to Register our EarthNode Stake Pool to both the Cardano and Aya Network Blockchains.

So, we shall now proceed to doing this.

Note: Before proceeding, we press q to leave ayaview.

  1. First we need to obtain the details needed for our ENNFT Registration on the Cardano Blockchain side of the equation. We have actually already been shown them earlier, but let’s just get them again.

    We do this by entering the following command

    cat /opt/aya/registration.json

    The output of this command should look something like this

      "moniker": "<our Validator Node Moniker>",
      "operator_address": "<our Operator Address beginning aya1, followed by a random string of letters and numbers>",
      "validator_address": "<our Validator Address beginning ayavalcons1, followed by a random string of letters and numbers>"

    Note: At this point we want to copy and paste the output of this command, including its surrounding {}s, to a separate, temporary, text file on our machine.

  2. Now we need to open a web browser and navigate to https://tinyurl.com/wmeno and click on the EarthNode Registration tab at the top of the page.

  3. Next we need to connect our Cardano Preview Testnet Wallet that contains our Testnet EarthNode NFT to be Registered to this EarthNode Registration site.

    We do this by

    a) Ensuring the Wallet containing our Testnet EarthNode NFT is the one currently selected for dApp connections in our Cardano Wallet Browser Extension b) Esnuring that it has enough collateral set to enable sumbission of Smart Contract Transactions (5 ADA should be enough) and then c) By clicking on the Connect Wallet Button on the site EarthNode Registration site

    Note: Once our Preview Testnet Wallet is connected the EarthNode NFTs in your Wallet: section of the EarthNode Registration site should populate with the EarthNodeNFT# numbers that you hold in your Preview Testnet Wallet.

  4. Now we need to click on the EarthNodeNFT# number we wish to associate with our newly set up Validator Node.

  5. Next we make sure we have RegisterEarthNode selected under the Select Transaction Type: Dropdown Menu.

  6. And now we need to paste in the previously copied information, obtained during step 30 above, into the Paste Installation Script Output: Box and press the Build Transaction Button.

    Note: We will now be asked for our Preview Testnet Wallet’s Spending Password at this point in order to Authorise the Registration Transaction to be Posted On-Chain on the Cardano Preview Testnet Newtork.

  7. We need to enter our Spending Password and click Sign.

    This should then show us a Transaction Successful! message on the EarthNode Registration Page along with a Transaction Hash that corresponds to the Transaction ID that will appear on the Cardano Blockchain.

    Note: Whilst the Transaction itself has now been successfully submitted, it may still take a little bit of time for it to appear On the Cardano Blockchain. There will be a link at the bottom of the EarthNode Registration site that will take us to an external page to reload until we see the Transcation finally go through. Once we see this Transaction appear on that page. We can proceed to the next step.

  8. Now we return to our Validator Node’s Terminal Window as before, and complete the final steps to get our EarthNode Stake Pool online. The first thing we will do is make sure that our Operator Address received 5 uswmt Tokens to be able to complete the Aya Network side of our Stake Pool Registration.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ayad query bank balances <our Operator Address> --home /opt/aya

    Note: We replace <our Operator Address> with the full operator_address detail that begins with aya1 from the information we obtained for EarthNode Registration in step 30, removing the surrounding <>

    If Registration on the Cardano Blockchain side has been successful, this command should give us the following output

    - amount: "5"
      denom: uswmt
      next_key: null
      total: "0"

    Note: A balance amount of “5” appearing in this output means that The Cardano Transaction triggered our Operator Address being topped up with 5 uswmt to be used to set up our EarthNode Stake Pool on the Aya Blockchain side. The side we are now working with.

  9. Now we need to Register our EarthNode Stake Pool to the Aya Blockchain Network.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    ayad tx staking create-validator \
      --amount=1uswmt \
      --pubkey="$(ayad tendermint show-validator --home /opt/aya)" \
      --moniker="$moniker" \
      --chain-id="$CHAIN_ID" \
      --commission-rate="0.10" \
      --commission-max-rate="0.20" \
      --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
      --min-self-delegation="1" \
      --from="$account" \
      --home /opt/aya \
      --output json \

    Note: After entering this group of commands we will be asked to enter the Spending Password we set up earlier in the guide specifically for our Validator Account. We must enter it now.

    If the Transcation has been successful we should see an output that contains a txhash value that consists of a string of capital letters and numbers, along with a lot of other information in JSON format, that looks something like this

    {"height":"0","txhash":"<Transaction Hash containing capital letters and numbers>","codespace":"","code":0,"data":"","raw_log":"[]","logs":[],"info":"","gas_wanted":"0","gas_used":"0","tx":null,"timestamp":"","events":[]}
  10. Now we now need to go and see if our Validator has been successfully Registered on the Aya Blockchain Network by opening our browser and going to https://wmt-explorer.com/AyaChain

    Once there we need to look at the ‘New joined EarthNode Validators’ section and check to see if the Monkier we gave our EarthNode Stake Pool has appeared in the list.

  11. Finally, we need to go back to ayaview and make sure the status of our Node has been updated to say that the Validator reports Status: BONDED and Signing: Active. Which should be visable in the upper left box of the ayaview console.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cd ~/nodebase-tools

If the Moniker appears om the wmt-exploer website, and ayaview reports what we are expecting to see above, Congratulations! We have now successfully completed setting up both our Validator Node AND our EarthNode Stake Pool!

6.2.3 - 3. Cardano Chain Follower Manual Installation and root-list Registration

Full Installation Guide for installing a Cardano Chain Follower Service and registering it to the Cardano Chain Follower root-list.

Written by Nodebase Team member intertree (Johnny Kelly)


The following guide will take you through all manual steps to be taken to have a fully running Cardano Chain Follower. Taking you through how attach it to an existing public Cardano API Server, as well as how to register your EarthNode to the Cardano Chain Follower root-list via 2 On-Chain Registration Transactions on the Aya Network.

At the moment, this installation only requires set up through an existing On-Chain Registered Validator Node. In the future proxy connection methods may be introduced, but, for now, connections are directly made from your EarthNode Validator to a pre-configured Cardano API Server Endpoint.

This guide assumes you have already set up both of your Sentry Nodes and your EarthNode Validator, and have Registered your Validator to the Chain, using the steps laid out over at Sentry Node Manual Installation and Validator Node Manual Installation, respectively.

Now, with this introduction out of the way, we shall proceed with the guide!

Step-By-Step Installation Guide

  1. Logged in as user wmt we first start by making the base directory for the Cardano Chain Follower files that are to be installed on our Node.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sudo mkdir -p /opt/aya/ccf
    sudo chown "${USER}:${USER}" /opt/aya/ccf
  2. Next we set the aya_home environment variable so that further installation steps can be simplified.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

  3. Now we install a required prerequisite package (libpq-dev) for the successful completion of installation steps.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install libpq-dev -y

  4. Now we create an installation directory for the Cardano Chain Follower installation files, navigate to it, download the installer zip file, install the unzip command (if not already installed to our OS), and extract the Cardano Chain Follower archive.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    mkdir ~/earthnode_installer/
    mkdir ~/earthnode_installer/ccf
    cd ~/earthnode_installer/ccf
    wget https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072502970027081749/1144181313583186002/wm_230824_ccf_rev2.zip
    sudo apt-get -q install unzip -y
    unzip wm_230824_ccf_rev2.zip 
    rm wm_230824_ccf_rev2.zip
  5. Now we copy the aya_chain_follower binary and daemon_wm.toml configuration files to their home locations for use in future operations.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    cp ~/earthnode_installer/ccf/aya_chain_follower "${aya_home}"/ccf
    cp ~/earthnode_installer/ccf/daemon_wm.toml "${aya_home}"/ccf
  6. Next we want to create a systemd service file that will allow our Cardano Chain Follower to automatically start on a reboot of our Server and to automatically attempt to restart itself on any crashes.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/chain_follower.service > /dev/null <<EOF
    # Create systemd service file that describes the background service running the 'aya_chain_follower' daemon.
    Description=Cardano Chain Follower
    # Execute daemon from user account
    # Set working directory
    # Start the 'aya_chain_follower' daemon with providing configuration file path
    ExecStart=${aya_home}/ccf/aya_chain_follower daemon --config ${aya_home}/ccf/daemon_wm.toml
    # Restart the service if it fails
    # Restart the service after 3 seconds if it fails
    # Start the service on system boot

    This will have added a new service file to our Server under the path /etc/systemd/system named chain_follower.service. This service file is what will be called when the Server reboots, or if our Service crashes.

  7. With the service now created, we now need to enable it for future use.

    We do this by entering the following group of commands

    # Reload the Systemd daemon
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    # Enable the 'chain_follower' service to start on system boot
    sudo systemctl enable chain_follower
  8. We can now confirm that our service is ready to be started.

    We do this by entering the following command

    sudo systemctl status chain_follower

    This should show us the following

    ○ chain_follower.service - Cardano Chain Follower
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/chain_follower.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
         Active: inactive (dead) 

    If we see this, we know we have successfully installed our Cardano Chain Follower Service.

  9. Now we start the Cardano Chain Follower Service.

    We do this by entering the following command

    sudo systemctl start chain_follower.service

  10. Now we need to check that chain_follower.service has started properly.

    We do this by entering the following command

    sudo systemctl status chain_follower.service

    When we ran this command previously it said our Cardano Chain Follower Service was inactive (dead), this time it should say something like the following

    ● chain_follower.service - Cardano Chain Follower
         Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/chain_follower.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
         Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-09-08 14:52:46 UTC; 3s ago
       Main PID: 105986 (aya_chain_follo)
          Tasks: 15 (limit: 38243)
         Memory: 4.7M
            CPU: 96ms
         CGroup: /system.slice/chain_follower.service
                 └─105986 /opt/aya/ccf/aya_chain_follower daemon --config /opt/aya/ccf/daemon_wm.toml
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/info/asset/metadata/{fingerprint}
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/info/history/discover/{hash}
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/info/history/address/
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/info/address/stake/assets/
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/info/addresses/assets/
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/info/pools/{page}
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/info/tokens/isNft/
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/aya/epoch/change/from/{epoch1}/{epoch2}
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/aya/epoch/change/latest
    Sep 08 14:52:46 eno318-validator aya_chain_follower[105986]: /api/aya/epoch/current/

    Some details will be different to the above example, but this should be the general layout. The important point is that it should say ‘active (running)’ in green and there should be a list of ‘/api/’ items.

At this stage in the guide, we have successfully completed setting up a Cardano Chain Follower Service that is able to publically call the IOG Provided Cardano Testnet API Server (a potential privacy concern which may be addressed later by World Mobile in their guidance on how to set up these Services), but we have not yet used it to Register our EarthNode to the Cardano Chain Follower root-list.

So, we shall now proceed to doing this.

Note: Before proceeding, we press ctrl+c to leave the Service status view.

  1. First we need to obtain our account name that was previously saved during out Validator’s set up process.

    We do this by entering the following command

    cat /opt/aya/account

    Note: The output of this command will be the name to replace the word <account> with in the next step.

  2. Now we need submit our 1st of 2 Transactions to complete formal Registration to be a part of the Cardano Chain Follower Root list.

    Note: The Root list is a list of all viable Registered Cardano Chain Follwer Validators that can be selected from to become a part of the Leader set in any given Epoch.

    The Leader set are the smaller, rotating, sub-group of Validators from the overall root-list of Registered Validators that have the job of monitoring for specific Transaction information on the Cardano Blockchain, interpreting that information, and carrying out any actions that need to be taken on the Aya Network Blockchain as a result of that information.

    Which Registered Cardano Chain Folllower Validators get to become a part of the current Leader set is determined by the Aya Chain itself, on a rotational basis.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ayad tx cce set-val-acc --home /opt/aya --from <account> --chain-id aya_preview_501 -y

    Note: After entering this command we will be asked to enter the Spending Password we set up earlierin the previous guide used specifically to set up our Validator Account. We must enter it now.

    Also, remember to replace with the output of the previously completed cat command used to get this information. Also ensure to remove the <>s from the placeholder text above.

    If the Transcation has been successful we should see an output that contains a txhash value that consists of a string of capital letters and numbers, along with a lot of other information, that looks something like this

    code: 0
    codespace: ""
    data: ""
    events: []
    gas_used: "0"
    gas_wanted: "0"
    height: "0"
    info: ""
    logs: []
    raw_log: '[]'
    timestamp: ""
    tx: null
    txhash: <Transaction Hash containing capital letters and numbers>
  3. Before proceeding to the next step, we need to wait long enough so that the 1st Registration step fully completed as expected. We are waiting for the Transaction that was just posted to the Aya Blockchain to make its way to a fully Minted Block, and to form a part of that Block’s list of Transactions.

    We can look to see if and when this Transaction has made it to the Aya Blockchain by going to https://wmt-explorer.com/AyaChain.

    Once there we need to look at the ‘Latest Transactions’ section and check to see if the ‘MsgSetValAcc’ Transaction we just sent has appeared on the Blockchain History.

    When we see it appear, we can then move on to the next step.

  4. Now we need submit our 2nd of 2 Transactions to complete formal Registration to be a part of the Cardano Chain Follower root-list.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ayad tx chainfollower send-root --home /opt/aya --from <account> --chain-id aya_preview_501 -y

    Note: After entering this command we will once again be asked to enter the Spending Password we set up earlier in the previous guide used specifically to set up our Validator Account. We must enter it now.

    Also, remember to replace with the output of the previously completed cat command used to get this information. Also ensure to remove the <>s from the placeholder text above.

    If the Transcation has been successful we should see an output that contains a txhash value that consists of a string of capital letters and numbers, along with a lot of other information, that looks something like this

    code: 0
    codespace: ""
    data: ""
    events: []
    gas_used: "0"
    gas_wanted: "0"
    height: "0"
    info: ""
    logs: []
    raw_log: '[]'
    timestamp: ""
    tx: null
    txhash: <Transaction Hash containing capital letters and numbers>
  5. Before proceeding to the next step, we need to wait long enough so that the 2nd Registration step fully completed as expected. We are waiting for the Transaction that was just posted to the Aya Blockchain to make its way to a fully Minted Block, and to form a part of that Block’s list of Transactions.

    We can look to see if and when this Transaction has made it to the Aya Blockchain by going to https://wmt-explorer.com/AyaChain.

    Once there we need to look at the ‘Latest Transactions’ section and check to see if the ‘MsgSendRoot’ Transaction we just sent has appeared on the Blockchain History.

  6. Now we are going to complete the neccesary steps to ensure that our Validator is now actually a part of the Registered list of Cardano Chain Followers.

    We will start by setting up our Validator’s operator address as a variable for future steps.

    We do this by entering the following command

    operator_address=$(ayad tendermint show-address --home /opt/aya)
  7. Next we use that created variable to check to see if our newly Registered Chain Follower is in the list of Chain Follower roots.

    We do this by entering the following command

    ayad query chainfollower list-root | grep $operator_address

    We are now checking to see if entering this command returns back a result that looks like the following, with the ayavalcons1 part of the response appearing fully in red.

    val_addr: ayavalcons1<various lowercase letters and numbers>

If it does, Congratulations! We have now successfully completed setting up our Validator to be a full Chain Follwer root-list!

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