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Nodebase Blog

This is the blog section. It has two categories: Blogs and Journals.

Stories told by Nodebase Ambassadors

Forty41 meets Zac and Ryan!

This is write up of my chat with Zac. Obviously they can’t share anything that isn’t in the public domain.

Catching up with Zac and Ryan, as you all know, the great and the good of crypto have been in Dubai in early Feb for the Satoshi Roundtable. I’ll just have to assume that my invitation got lost in the post!

Undeterred, I jetted off to Dubai for some winter sun and golf but couldn’t resist reaching out to the World Mobile Team as I never like missing out on an opportunity to meet up.

The Meetup

Despite having a packed timetable, our very own Head of Tokens Zac and Ryan agreed to meet me over a coffee for a quick catch up. They were both fresh from attending the Roundtable the previous day so my first question was about the “through the roof” interest in World Mobile”. Naturally neither could talk to me about specifics but they spoke enthusiastically about the number of people wanting to speak to World Mobile about potential projects. When I consider the amount of influence gathered for this conference I can understand why the team would be excited.

Over the course of the next hour we chatted about a wide range of topics all of which various teams within World Mobile are working on. Obviously Zac and Ryan couldn’t provide me with anything that isn’t already in the public domain so some of the comments below are my take on things.

Saturation - the team have listened to the concerns of the community and recognise that the current saturation is probably on the high side. My expectation is that this will be reduced but nor is it going to be on the very low side. The focus is very much on having as many nodes as possible deployed delivering a quality service rather than a few highly saturated ones. To this end Zac mentioned a number of solutions he was looking into to make the setting up of nodes as simple as possible which was music to my ears.

Rewards Paper 2

lots of work has been done in this area looking at different reward models. I have heard lots of speculation from the community on when this is likely to come out and what it will look like. Following my chat, my take on this is that it will be issued sooner rather than later.


Asia - nothing really new here and as Mr T mentioned in Spaces, we are likely to hear soon. World Mobile have been approached by a number of countries in the region so it’s a case of sitting tight to hear more.


Aerostat - do you really think I asked?


Testnet Roll-out - we know the answer to that.

Final Words

My overall impression following the meeting remains unchanged and I’m as positive, if not more so that as ENOs we are part of something really exciting. World Mobile are working on a large number of tandem running projects being pulled together to create the ecosystem to make this a success.

The component parts are ever changing and evolving and the team are having to pivot quickly to meet the roadmap and demands of the World Mobile community.

There are inevitable bumps in the road and I know people will argue that some could have been foreseen but I think there are many that could never have been anticipated.

News About Testnet

Ayaview Demo

NodeBaseDevs is introducing ayaview

Ayaview is a console based app to monitor your aya node, it will on-chain activity and system metrics. It’s very light-weight, doesn’t comsume any resources, since it is not dependent on backend storages, like databases to store blockchain history. Hence the application will only be monitoring the current blockchain state. It’s fully configurable to monitor any validator node on any cosmos chain you are interested in.## Ayaview Demo!

Here’s a live demo of a Sentry Node spinning up and playing catch-up to get synced to the current blockHeight. It’s very fast syncing all blocks it has missed since it went down. As soon as it is caught up, normal activity will assume with new blocks getting minted every 5s.

Launch of TheNodeBase Devs

NodeBase Devs site is born!

Welcome to the Nodebase developers site. A place where we can share useful resources for Earthnode Operators of the WorldMobile Chain.

This page was started to share material with the EarthNode community.As a early tester of WM Testnet @earthnodechile has early insights in how testnet is doing and came to the conclusion a lot of tooling is needed to help setup, run and monitor your EarthNode.

On this site I will also publish material about Cosmos SDK and write step-by-step guides all things related to running an Earthnode.

Progress and opinion pieces on WM Testnet will be published to the blog section.

The documentation section will contain material about running an earthnode and in-house developed tools to assist Earthnode operators. More on that in the next blog.

Installation of Sentry Nodes

NodeBase Devs tools released!

I am releasing the initial nodebase tools package. You can learn more about it and how to download it in Tools. This package contains the sentry node setup and a few useful scripts to assist in the setup.

If you are interested in setting up a relay node, have a look at Getting Started with all details on setting this. Some of the scripts in the tools are helpful when setting up a sentry node.

Addtional info on validator setup will be added as well.

There will be an easy to follow step-by-step guide on setting up a relay available shortly in the Tutorial section.
